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On Demand Report getting aborted on Generating

Hello Everyone,

One of my user is facing problem when generating ON Demand report. The report is generating but after some time it is giving back an error as "Aborted". But i am able to generate the ON Demand report. Also, when i am login in as User's Credential then also i am able to generate the ON Demand report. I think it is occuring due to some configuration difference in the two machines.

As far as i know the User's System has enabled the
1.  "TLS1.1" & " TLS1.2"  in the advanced setting tab in browser

2.  And added the access po

int link as the Trusted Site.

I ahve also checked the Logs and it is giving me this error;


20180712T113320.385+05:30 INFO COR-SR-195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Windows login failed. The user could not be associated to their Windows security identifier (sid)


Please help!.

Also, PFA the logs for the same.


Manish Rawat

hictroyanskyoleg.kosminskyQlik NPrinting

1 Reply

Hello Manish,

Typically to debug On Demand issues for NPrinting I use Chrome - DEV Tools and see what errors are appearing in the background.

Just to get some other information:

What version of Qlik NPrinting are you using?

Are you using On Demand with Qlik Sense or QlikView?

Here are some potential configuration "misses" with On Demand and QlikView:

Thank you,