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Contributor III
Contributor III

Pivot Chart labels (and field expansion control)

Hello Everyone,

In NPrinting I setup a pivot chart and table, based of a Excel formatted straight table.

This works well thus far, but I run into problems when I want to activate data labels of certain data series only.

When generating the (Excel) report, all data series in the pivot chart show data labels (although never activated in template). Do I have to change some basic settings or what could be the issue?


Also an old and known issue is the expansion of fields in pivot tables when reports are generated. Has there been an update on possible solutions or how has a macro look like that could deal with this issue?


Pivot chart name: "KostenAbteilung"


Thanks in advance and kind regards


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2 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi @StefanE 

I dont understand what do you mean by this: "When generating the (Excel) report, all data series in the pivot chart show data labels (although never activated in template)".  Please provide us with screenshots of what you arefereing to (what you get, and what you expect to get).


Regarding macro it is super simple. All you need is to update "Sheet1"  (your sheet name), "PivotTable1"(0pivot table name) and "Dim1"(first column name) values to those from your pivot table.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Dim1").ShowDetail = False
End Sub

cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi Lech,

Of course, here's the story in pictures to make it more clear. In NP designer template, I activate one data label in pivot chart:




The generated Excel does contain all data labels activated. Maybe I have to change some basic settings, but I do not know why this doesn't work.

I would use native Excel charts where it def. does work, but the pivot chart has an needed flexibility to it.

Thanks again and kind regards
