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Defect acknowledgement with Nprinting Engine May 2022 SR2, please READ HERE
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Creator II
Creator II

Qlik NPrinting Update from: May 2021 SR2 Version:

Hi, We would like to update Qlik Nprinting around January 2025 (and possibly Qlik Sense if needed).

Currently we have an unsupported version May 2021 SR2 Version:
Our Qlik Sense version is 2024 Patch 9 (qliksenseserver 14.187.14).

I tried to read the documentation:



And I think our version of Qlik Sense would fit Qlik Nprinting February 2024



So, do you think Qlik Nprinting February 2024 SR3 will be good option?


Where I check download:


Can we expect any errors in the  existing reports with the change?
Is there anything to pay attention to?

Do you recommend making another update of Qlik Nprinting or some additional one for Qlik Sense?



Thanks & Regards,
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3 Solutions

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Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

HI @Sebastian_Dec ,


I would recommend to upgrade also your Qlik Sense version, because it is effected by one of the recent security issues. 
You need at least May Patch 10.

From an enduser perspective I would also recommend to upgrade to November because there a lots of new features available 🙂
For upgrading to November 2024 there is a dedicated upgrade guide, because there you have to pay attention to some points.

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yes upgrade QlikSense first, but yes be aware there also changes in the navigation with Nov 24 to align with Qlik Cloud.

Test first in a non-production environment!!

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Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi @Sebastian_Dec 

If I ready you correctly you are already on not supported configuration as May 2021 NPrinting definitely does not support Qlik Sense 2024 (regardles of of the version). So that by itself is huge red flag for me. running not only unsupported version but also unsupported configuration is the most common mistake I spot here on community which causes issues.

Guys below in their comments are focused on Qlik Sense upgrade, but real issue here is your current unsupported configuration with Qlik Sense so make sure you fix it ASAP.

It is very simple. Check if your current version of Qlik Sense is supported by the latest NPrinting (based on what you have provided us with - it is) version and upgrade to latest NPrinting. We really have to snap out of the thinking that latest version is "always full of bugs" and maybe we should install different version, no-just install the latest!!

We have 2 year support of NPrinting products and NPrinting is a very mature product now so the only sensible option is to upgrade to the latest possible version (unless there is defect which would be manifested and usually dealt with priority). I believe next NPrinting release will come out in Feb 2025 - but then you can upgrade easily again as NPrinting upgrade takes only few minutes when done properly, so dont wait and get yourself on supported configuration first.

When upgrading Qlik Sense to whatever version you want - check again compatibility of NPrinting with that version. If it is not supported don upgrade and wait.

Lastly as others mentioned here - there is vulnarbility in Qlik Sense which should be taken care of by running patches or upgrades so take that into your account. With the new layout / menu - you will have to get used to it anyway - better sooner than later - thats my opinion. I also think new menu and new features are much better if you spend time configuring them to the way you like to use them.



cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.

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3 Replies
Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

HI @Sebastian_Dec ,


I would recommend to upgrade also your Qlik Sense version, because it is effected by one of the recent security issues. 
You need at least May Patch 10.

From an enduser perspective I would also recommend to upgrade to November because there a lots of new features available 🙂
For upgrading to November 2024 there is a dedicated upgrade guide, because there you have to pay attention to some points.


yes upgrade QlikSense first, but yes be aware there also changes in the navigation with Nov 24 to align with Qlik Cloud.

Test first in a non-production environment!!

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi @Sebastian_Dec 

If I ready you correctly you are already on not supported configuration as May 2021 NPrinting definitely does not support Qlik Sense 2024 (regardles of of the version). So that by itself is huge red flag for me. running not only unsupported version but also unsupported configuration is the most common mistake I spot here on community which causes issues.

Guys below in their comments are focused on Qlik Sense upgrade, but real issue here is your current unsupported configuration with Qlik Sense so make sure you fix it ASAP.

It is very simple. Check if your current version of Qlik Sense is supported by the latest NPrinting (based on what you have provided us with - it is) version and upgrade to latest NPrinting. We really have to snap out of the thinking that latest version is "always full of bugs" and maybe we should install different version, no-just install the latest!!

We have 2 year support of NPrinting products and NPrinting is a very mature product now so the only sensible option is to upgrade to the latest possible version (unless there is defect which would be manifested and usually dealt with priority). I believe next NPrinting release will come out in Feb 2025 - but then you can upgrade easily again as NPrinting upgrade takes only few minutes when done properly, so dont wait and get yourself on supported configuration first.

When upgrading Qlik Sense to whatever version you want - check again compatibility of NPrinting with that version. If it is not supported don upgrade and wait.

Lastly as others mentioned here - there is vulnarbility in Qlik Sense which should be taken care of by running patches or upgrades so take that into your account. With the new layout / menu - you will have to get used to it anyway - better sooner than later - thats my opinion. I also think new menu and new features are much better if you spend time configuring them to the way you like to use them.



cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.