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Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

QlikView Entity Report Hangs

We have an NP report that is simply generating a QlikView Entity Report.  It worked fine last week generating a report of 28 pages. Data was added over the weekend and now the report wont generate via NP.  NP doesn't raise an error, it just hangs until we abort the task.  We can open the QV desktop and generate the report just fine.  The report is now 34 pages and takes 5 seconds or less to preview.

Does anybody have any thoughts on why a 34 page entity report would hang in NP?

QlikView version: 12.50.204 (April 2020 SR4)
NP version: (February 2021)

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5 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

From top of my head QlikView April 2020 SR4 will be officially supported with NPrinting May 2021. It was not supported in Feb 2020!!! So this is the first thing I would look at.

 Other issues: I can only imagine that:

  • since it is QlikView entity report it is a QlikView process hanging on NPrinting Engine server or
  • the print of entity report hanged

Have you tried restarting server? (not services as in this case issue is likely outside of NPrinting services)


cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator


It just so happens that this issue happened over the weekend we upgraded.  When it hung for the first time last Friday we were running NP and QV 12.40.20100.  We upgraded NP last weekend because we needed a fix in it, and decided to upgrade QV at the same time.  The servers were rebooted for the upgrades and the report still hangs after the upgrade.

Unless somebody else has had the same issue and found a work around, I'll probably end up opening a case for this.

Thanks for the thoughts.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Opening case is not going to solve it - you are on unsupported configuration at the moment, full stop! First thing you will be asked to do is to run supported configuration which is making sure that your qlikview is also supported. In this case it is not.

Options you have are:

  • wait for NPrinting May 2021 release or 
  • downgrade QlikView to supported version

Once you do above and you still have issue, only then you will be able to have sesnsible case with Qlik support.


below link (if you are having access to technical previews) shows you that support will be added in next version:

cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

We had a case open with support for a year. Last February support specifically told me that our fix is in the QV April 2020 SR4 release (OP-21003).  This is why we installed this version.  Support did not indicate that we needed to wait for a future release of NP prior to installing the QV release.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Yes - fix is there, but did they tell you that QV April 2020 SR4 release is supported with NP Feb 2021 version and that it will work?

OP-21003 fix is purely QlikView related and fixes the application path generation process for the temporary bookmarks-that is used by NPrinting to create filters etc... Since there is a change like that, I would assume there should be work done also on nPrinting side to support it, which is likely done in the May 2021 relase.

I mean - you can argue that with support. It is up tp you. For me it is black/white scenarion. I always check which versions are supported, if it is not listed in then i take it is not supported hence there is no official Qlik support.

Regardles - since you had a case with support you may just follow up on this. I am just trying to manage your expectations... 

cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.