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Using NPrinting 17.6 (November) getting error using formula in Task Filter


We're using QlikSense 3.2 R2 and NPrinting 17.6, and I'm trying to create a dynamic task filter so I don't have to update the filter values every week. My formula works correctly in the app (shows last week's week number concatenated to the year), but when I try to use in the NPrinting task, I get this error:

Execution for task b2a113d5-dabc-407f-9bbd-9e56d2bb2dea failed for an exception System.Exception: Failure Filter Materialization, fields with formula: F\WeekYear - Sunday Start'. No report will be generated.

I searched the discussions here, and read the Release documentation, though I could only find June's. My formula is:

=(([Week - Sunday Start])-1)&'-'&[Year] 

I'd appreciate any suggestions anyone might have; I'm hoping it's something stupid in my formula.



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