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Defect acknowledgement with Nprinting Engine May 2022 SR2, please READ HERE
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what is a nprinting and where it will use and who's are it will use this?

hi friend's

this is subbu

i has one error will you please any body explain this one

what is nprinting?(it is tool or anything )

when it will use?

which persons use this one?

3 Replies
Master III
Master III

Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III


Please check following thread

NPrinting vs CIA Partners QlikView Reporting add-on

Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

Hi, Subbu.

NPrinting enables you to distribute QlikView apps and objects to multiple users in a format that is more familiar to them (Excel, word, ppt, html).

The advantage is that it means the recipient doesn't have to have a QlikView licence to view QlikView data.

The disadvantage is that once the QlikView object is in excel (for instance) it functions as an excel table/chart. So you don't have the QlikView functionality (drill downs etc). However, some people do not wish to have QlikView functionality and prefer to view data in a Microsoft environment.

NPrinting can distribute reports by email,  to folders, or to Google Drive.

