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In December 2021, we set out to deliver a Data Visualization tip-a-day on LinkedIn leading up to the Christmas holiday. We received such overwhelmingly positive feedback on this effort that we decided to provide you with a synopsis of all the amazing Qlik Sense visualization capabilities we highlighted. Each capability links to the post on LinkedIn, which provides you with additional details.

Revisit our 24 days of Visualizations ...




1.      Use of titles: capture the visualization’s essence and dynamically adjust to selection changes

2.      Compare with last year: simplify time series analysis by comparing with the prior year

3.      Lollipop chart: visualize detail using combo chart settings to create lollipop chart

4.      Activity in map point layer: add images to the map point layer to show direction and trends

5.      Subtle or bright color: improve readability by coloring text in tables

6.      Field overview: helpful with new datasets, display max, min, average, and count

7.      Donut map layer: donuts with center labels in maps give you more detailed insights

8.      Cartogram: create a stylized map in Qlik Sense to show a representation of locations

9.      Second axis: provides more context to your data, including share of total and actual value

10.   Parliament diagram: often tedious to build, automate creation using the map chart and point layer

11.   Group similar values: grouping simplifies readability, making it easier to interpret data

12.   Butterfly chart: augment a standard bar chart to differentiate between measures

13.   Combo chart: flexibility allows color per measure/chart, easing creation of complex charts

14.   Silent Legend: setup consistent coloring for the entire app, so charts are easier to understand

15.   Rank Chart: show trends and changes over time

16.   Radial Dendrogram: show possible outcomes radiating outward from the center

17.   Sparklines: provide another dimension to your tables; can show additional context over time 

18.   App details in Container: add help and guidance to the chart, including definitions and source

19.   Extra measures in Combo Chart: add context using the X-axis by including variance

20.   Deviation Icicle Chart: show forecast vs actual, increasing your visibility into trends

21.   Task grouping via Gantt Chart: group tasks with a horizontal time axis and color by measure

22.   Table indicators: enrich visualizations with context, including rank, trend, and classification

23.   SVG images: utilize SVG to create and scale or render mini charts, gauges, and other graphics 

24.   Custom tooltips: display an overview then details on-demand such as description, additional measures, or embedded master visualization

There is also an app with recipes for all tips.

To continue exploring Qlik Sense data visualization innovations, you can check out the Qlik Visualization Showcase. There, you will be able to not only view, but also interact with our latest and greatest Qlik Sense visualizations. And, for tips on avoiding common data visualization pitfalls, check out this eBook


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