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How to make a Sense Filter for every field in the data model that takes up minimal space.

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Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

How to make a Sense Filter for every field in the data model that takes up minimal space.

Last Update:

Feb 19, 2019 9:17:04 AM

Updated By:


Created date:

Feb 19, 2019 9:14:59 AM

One of my favorite features in QlikView that we have made a standard in our department is a 2 line Multi Box that can filter on any field in the data model.  You can limit the fields it displays or use $Field to represent every single field in the data model. 

This is what it looks like in QlikView:



In Qlik  Sense it looks like this:Qlik3.pngQlik4.pngQlik5.png

This is fantastic because in QlikView a small 2 line Multi Box can represent filters for hundreds of fields.

Sense does filters differently but you can still do something similar.

Here is how you can get similar functionality in Sense:

  • Create a new filter pane
  • Dimension = $Field
  • I prefer the Vizlib Filter because there are more options
    • Set Interactivity to One Selected Value
    • Under Settings set the Dropdown Presentation to the style of your liking. I picked Dropdown to minimize its space.
  • Now create a straight table
    • Again I prefer the Vizlib Straight Table because there are more options and it can be set to hide if there is not 1 $Field selected.
    • Data
      • Field= $(='[' &Only([$Field]) &']')
      • Label= if(GetSelectedCount($Field)=1,'Values for ' & $Field,' ')
      • Deprecated Feature
        • Visibility Condition On
        • Condition= GetSelectedCount($Field)=1

If you are using the standard table or filter panel you can change that last section for the label to this:

Label = If(GetSelectedCount($Field)=1, 'Values for ' & $Field, 'Select a single field from list to see contents')

This way it makes the most use of the real estate...

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

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Giuseppe Lolli

Vizlib Customer Success Manager

Version history
Last update:
‎2019-02-19 09:17 AM
Updated by: