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Document embedded license not valid, any way to fix?

Hi there,

I am a licensed user of QlikView desktop and I'm using some files to make a demonstration for my clients, but those files are a little bit old and by opening them some days ago in a QlikView Personal Edition I got the following message:

"The license that is embedded in this document is not valid"

I am aware of the limitation through a licensed user creating a file for a personal edition license user to open and I can open those files one my licensed QlikView.
But here in the community, some users update those files with a Personal License for them to work again.

I would like to know what's the procedure for that...

In summary: file's embedded license not valid, how to update file's personal edition license?

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

The possibilty to embed a licence had only the qlik staff for their demo-apps, apiguide and similar. You could ask your qlik contact but you will need very good reasons for this.

- Marcus

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11 Replies

The possibilty to embed a licence had only the qlik staff for their demo-apps, apiguide and similar. You could ask your qlik contact but you will need very good reasons for this.

- Marcus

Partner - Champion III

Personal Edition users can open documents created by others and "recover" them (i.e. store their PE key in the document instead of the license) However they can do this only a limited number of times (4 times I think). After the last attempt, QV Desktop will only let them create new documents.


I am aware of this method, but since the file has a not valid license, I don't receive this option when opening it...
I'm talking about a recently installed QlikView Desktop with a Personal Edition License, with no files recovered yet...
The file itself is the problem, I would like to update this file's license with a Personal Edition License...

Partner - Champion III

And if you - as a licensed QlikView user with a lease - open this document and save it under a new name, after which you open the document in a PE Desktop, do you then get the Recovery Attempt-dialog? IIRC the embedded license should be wiped out if you save the document to a new file...




I was not aware of that... I looked at some of the topics where the author updated the demo-app and they really are staff from Qliktech. I'll keep looking if that's really the case and if so, I'll mark your answer o/


Following your sugestion, I tried this:
Opened the file with a lease license, saved it with another name, closed it, went to User Preferences, License and cleared mais lease license information, re-opened the new file and got the same error.

It appears that just saving the file as another user, don't change the embedded license...

Former Employee

Hi Marcos,

Marcus is correct. The ability to embed a license is only available to Qlik employees.


Bill - Principal Technical Support Engineer at Qlik
To help users find verified answers, please don't forget to use the "Accept as Solution" button on any posts that helped you resolve your problem or question.

Ok, thanks for the answer... o/

Partner - Champion III

I've put the pieces back together. An Embedded license is removed whenever a desktop user reloads such a document and the reload changes the datamodel. Upon saving this document, the Embedded license will be wiped.

Reloading the demo document probably isn't much of an option to you, is it?