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Dear Team,
i stuck a requirement. i have data oct, nov dec month of different dates.
in oct month i have 24/10/2016,25/10/2016,26/10/2016,27/10/2016,28/10/2016
In Nov Month i have 26/11/2016,27/11/2016,28/11/2016,29/11/2016,30/11/2016
In Dec Month i have 11/12/2016,12/12/2016,13/12/2016,14/12/2016,15/12/2016,16/12/2016
For this i am sharing a qvd where all data exit with date.
i want to show only each month of maximum date wise Avl Value.If i see in oct month then it show only 28/10/2016 date regarding value
If i see in Nov month then it show 30/11/2016 date regarding value
If i see in Decmonth then it show 16/12/2016 date regarding value
How is it.Kindly Help Me For soliving this issue. Maximum date of each month
=Sum({$<Link_Date={$(=Chr(34) & Date(Max({$<Link_Date={"<$(=Date(MonthStart(Max(Link_Date), -1), 'DD/MM/YYYY'))"},[Fiscal Month]>} Link_Date),'DD/MM/YYYY') & Chr(34))}, [Fiscal Month]>} [Avl Value])
sum( {<Date={$(=max(Date))}> Value }
Not working
please close the thread if your query is resolved
i will close. But This code is not running.
I tell you. i make a straight table.
My dimension is article and My First measure is Current month's max date wise Value like Sum({<Link_Date={Max(Link_Date)}>}Value
But when i Make Second measure for last month then what i write for maximum date for last month.
Same As Previous to month
Like this?
Dear Sunny,
i am attaching a calendar qvd.then write code. when i am using this is not working
Try this:
Sum({$<DATE={"$(=Date(Max({<DATE = {'<$(=MonthStart(Max(DATE)))'}, Month, [Avl Value] = {'*'}>} DATE)))"}, Month>} [Avl Value])
But i am using the fiscal month and i am left keep using in data model when i associate the calendar. and
i am using date format DD/MM/YYYY..Kindly use this and then write code