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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Unable to Open A QlikView Document in Server

I can´t open in the AccesPoint the Application that I´ve just upload.

Any Idea??

I´ve atteched a few images where you could see that there is no section access activate in the QMC

thanks in advance

5 Replies
Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

First this: Section Access doesn't depend on the QMC or the Publisher. It's embedded in your document and is considered as document security (or file security). This means that even when no server or QV desktop is near, nobody will be able to access the contents of this file without proper credentials and permissions.

If you publish your document to the correct user (yourself) in the Distribution tab, then DMS/NTFS rights should be ok. We cannot deduce that from your screenshots, so you should check it yourself.

Is Seciton Access enabled in this document? If so, is your account present in the SA table?

Is the QDS able to reload the document?


I know you haven't used Section Access. Can you check whether checked or un checked as below


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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Yeahh!! It works!!!

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

I dont have any section access, it used to have but I delete it because I thought that the Section Access will be configurable in the server no in each document.

Thanks for the response


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Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful