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I need to aggregate the information by the highlighted fields, but I would like the value to be repeated for each of the lines of the aggregation
Note that in the last column I have the aggregated values correctly but it only appears for a single row of the aggregated dimensions
If I understood correct, try putting NODISTINCT in aggr(), like:
Sum( (Aggr(Nodistinct Sum(...
You need to have all relevant dimensions listed in your Aggr() function. For example, year, month and sales batch are missing.
Now you have a grain mismatch between your chart and your Aggr() call.
See more on https://community.qlik.com/t5/Qlik-Design-Blog/Pitfalls-of-the-Aggr-function/ba-p/1463275
Thanks for your answer!
But the Sales Batch field is one field that I don't want to agregate, and the Year and Month were agrgegated by the Id_Date. Right?
If I understood correct, try putting NODISTINCT in aggr(), like:
Sum( (Aggr(Nodistinct Sum(...
Perfect. That's it. Thanks a lot