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Do More with Qlik - Qlik Cloud Analytics Recap and Getting Started, June 19: REGISTER
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Hi all - I'm pretty new to QV and I have a what is probably a very simple problem to solve.

I have a list of websites that link to specified list of other websites. Say, 10,000 websites that are the combined set of links to a small set of 5-7 websites. What I'm trying to get out of the list of 10,000 websites is a list that link 2 sites in that small list. I'm trying to get at the sites that link to BOTH rather than the sites that just link to one or the other.

I hope that makes sense.

What I have set up right now is just some simple list boxes and all I can get is a result set that is OR vs AND.


3 Replies
Not applicable

Can you give us a little more info about what your data looks like and the expressions you are using already?

How is the small list linked to the big list? You can create a chart with all the websites from the big list as a dimension. Then use something like: If(Count(distinct URLFromLittleList)>1, 1, 0).

You could probably also use Set Anaysis and only count if there is a link to both sites from the small list.

Not applicable

I have one large table. One column is the company name and other columns are websites and other bits of information. Basically I'm trying to find which websites mention two or more of the companies. There are 8 companies and 10,000 website that reference 1 or more of the companies. It's easy enough to select 5 companies and see the whole list of all websites that list those companies but I can't figure out how to select say 3 companies and see the website that they appear on together.

Champion III
Champion III

You may be looking for "and mode". You can find it under "And-mode in List Boxes" in the help file. There are a lot of restrictions on how you data can be set up in order for it to work. Attached is a working example.

Another possibility for just a specific chart instead of the entire app would be to have a chart with "website" as a dimension, and an expression like this:

count(distinct company)=getselectedcount(company)

And then hide the expression column. That's basically just another take on what NMiller was suggesting, but allowing for more than two companies being selected. You should then see only websites that are related in your data model to every selected company, because only in that case will that expression be true.