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Creator III
Creator III

Add empty columns to a pivot table


In a pivot table, I am trying to express expenses per period, for period 1 through 12.

my raw data has values for periods from 1 to 9, but I'd like to have 10 through 12 show up as empty even if no values appear in my raw data.

Would anyone know how?

5 Replies
Not applicable


try to go in Properties/Dimensions, select dimension for period and check "Show All Values" for it.



Creator III
Creator III

I don't have any values for period 10 through 12 as of yet in my raw data, so it can't show up. Also, I can't start typing up empty lines with strictly my missing periods in the raw data just to accomplish my goal...

Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III


You need to load a master calendar which covers those dates as well. Link the master calendar to your expenses via day or month (depending on the granularity of your data). You may want to drop the derived date fields (eg Period) from your expenses data and create the derived fields in the master calendar.

There are plenty of posts on this site, just serach for "master calendar".

Hope that helps


Logic will get you from a to b. Imagination will take you everywhere. - A Einstein
Creator III
Creator III

I've tried addind a correspondance table for my months and period numbers. I thought that would resolve but it unfortunatly doesn't. As you've suggested , I searched master calendars, and from what I gather, the table with all months still exist, and I can bring it up with all 12 values, but when I use Month as a dimention in a pivot table, it will not bring back any values for Months that don't have a [Montant].

I'm not finding the Master calendar posts I found realy usefull for Pivot tables. And the first result Google brings back when I search for "Qlikview Master Calendar Pivot Table" is this thread

Creator III
Creator III

Actually, I needed to go to Properties-->Presentation-->Select my dimention and uncheck "Delete Null values" orsomething like that (My version is french...)