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Hello all,
Hoping you guys could help me with something I've been stuck on for awhile.
My company wants to view Sales in a pivot chart in a pivot chart where it shows the brand and then the sales for each month of the quarter then the sales for the quarter, then the sales for each month then a column with the sales for the quarter etc.
Brand Jan-2017 Feb-2017 Mar-2017 Q1-2017 Apr-2017
ABC Sales a Sales b Sales c Sales(a+b+c) Sales d
ZYX Sales a Sales b Sales c Sales(a+b+c) Sales d
I have fields for MonthYear, but I don't know how to get the quarter in there especially in the order I need it.
Ideally I could just use a formula in the pivot object itself and not have to add dimension values into the script as it would require altering many other objects.
Any thoughts?
Much appreciated,
I guess a straight forward approach here would be to just use both Month and Quarter dimensions together with a partial sum in a pivot table like this:
Another solution might be to create a combined MonthQuarter field e.g. like this:
Dual('Q'&Ceil(Month(MonthYear)/3)&'-'&Year(MonthYear),QuarterStart(MonthYear)) as Quarter;
LOAD MonthName(AddMonths(MakeDate(2017),RecNo()-1)) as MonthYear,
Ceil(Rand()*100) as Sales,
Chr(64+IterNo())&Chr(65+IterNo())&Chr(66+IterNo()) as Brand
AutoGenerate 12
While IterNo()<=10;
LOAD Distinct
MonthYear as MonthQuarter
Resident tabSales;
LOAD Distinct
Dual(Quarter,QuarterEnd(Quarter)) as MonthQuarter
Resident tabSales;
hope this helps
Both worked thank you very much!
you're welcome
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