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Contributor II
Contributor II

Bar-Chart Color changes on every data refresh

Hello Friends,


We have the bar-chart on QlikView Dashboard, displaying colors for the Cycle1, Cycle2 and Cycle3

Chart Properties - Colors tab selected the Persistent Colors.

Bar-chart Color Issue:  The Cycle1, Cycle2 and Cycle3 colors are changing when we refresh with latest data even the property set as Persistent Color under Colors Tab Chart Properties.

Support Needed:  Will you please verify the attachment and appreciate on your suggestions to avoid the color changes.


 QlikView Bargraph Color change issues1.jpg

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1 Reply
Partner - Master III
Partner - Master III

As far as i know the colors are assigned according to the order the dimension items . i.e. you need to make sure that your dimensions are loaded in the same sort order each time.

Persistent colors will retain the same colors as you drill up or down but will not guarantee the same colors between reloads

for some more minute control check below blog