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Charts With Continous X-axis

Hi i designed a Graph with continuos x-axis to for timenow line. My x axis is in the form of YYYY/MM, and i draw timenow line for today and its all working fine. The problem is when i Zoom the reports by selecting particular months means some x-axis legends are repeating lie 2010/05 2010/05 2010/06 2010/06 2010/07.... and so on. In this the bars are present in altenative months and middle dupplicate values are empty. this is Because today is 11/05/2010, so the middle duplicates are actually middle of the mont - 15/MM/YYYY is reflecting as YYYY/MM duplicate. I want to remove those things, but the problem is simce am forcing x-axis as continous, qlikview takes full ctrl over the x-axis and i cant change is property flexible as before. Any solution?

3 Replies
Not applicable


This problem is very common. It's better you create the period as string. In your script create this line in your LOAD/SELECT:


year & '/' & month AS Period

FROM Table;


Not applicable

But i cant do that, because to make it continous i have to keep it as date, else i cant draw timenow line in the graph vertical to x-axis. If i keep it as string means it will show as no numerical value in x-axis.

Not applicable


try with this:

date(MonthEnd(Date), 'YYYY/MM') AS YYYYMM
