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Hi i designed a Graph with continuos x-axis to for timenow line. My x axis is in the form of YYYY/MM, and i draw timenow line for today and its all working fine. The problem is when i Zoom the reports by selecting particular months means some x-axis legends are repeating lie 2010/05 2010/05 2010/06 2010/06 2010/07.... and so on. In this the bars are present in altenative months and middle dupplicate values are empty. this is Because today is 11/05/2010, so the middle duplicates are actually middle of the mont - 15/MM/YYYY is reflecting as YYYY/MM duplicate. I want to remove those things, but the problem is simce am forcing x-axis as continous, qlikview takes full ctrl over the x-axis and i cant change is property flexible as before. Any solution?
This problem is very common. It's better you create the period as string. In your script create this line in your LOAD/SELECT:
year & '/' & month AS Period
FROM Table;
But i cant do that, because to make it continous i have to keep it as date, else i cant draw timenow line in the graph vertical to x-axis. If i keep it as string means it will show as no numerical value in x-axis.
try with this:
date(MonthEnd(Date), 'YYYY/MM') AS YYYYMM