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Hello Everyone,
I'm using the master calendar in my script.
And I used that to display specific value based on weekyear (weeknumber and year)
What i want to do is to put in Green the most recent bar in the chart. The most recent one is 20.2018 and i want it to be in different color for comparison aspect.
I know i have to go to background in the expression view
But as i'm a newcomer for qlikview i don't know the right formula to put in order to have the bar chart in blue for the latest (most recent week).
As I previously said I have a master calendar in my script
TempDate as Created,
week(TempDate) As Week,
Year(TempDate) As Year,
Month(TempDate) As Month,
Day(TempDate) As Day,
YeartoDate(TempDate)*-1 as CurYTDFlag,
YeartoDate(TempDate,-1)*-1 as LastYTDFlag,
inyear(TempDate, Monthstart($(varMaxDate)),-1) as RC12,
date(monthstart(TempDate), 'MMM-YYYY') as MonthYear,
ApplyMap('QuartersMap', month(TempDate), Null()) as Quarter,
Week(weekstart(TempDate)) & '-' & WeekYear(TempDate) as WeekYear,
WeekDay(TempDate) as WeekDay
And the field of the bar chart (which represent the expression i used in the form (sum(LossBU)) is
Anyone can help ?
Thank You
Hi Yann,
I have looked at your qvw and encountered the issue that your WeekYear field is a string. So using Max() will not work. Instead, use MaxString.
However, since you have put the weeks in front of the year, week 9-2018 will be the max (since 9-.... is larger than 20-....).
Maybe you can fix this first by changing the calender putting year in front of week and then try the solutions mentioned above.
Greetings, Janneke.
Here is my modified master calendar:
TempDate as Created,
Year(TempDate) As Year,
Month(TempDate) As Month,
week(TempDate) As Week,
Day(TempDate) As Day,
YeartoDate(TempDate)*-1 as CurYTDFlag,
YeartoDate(TempDate,-1)*-1 as LastYTDFlag,
inyear(TempDate, Monthstart($(varMaxDate)),-1) as RC12,
date(monthstart(TempDate), 'MMM-YYYY') as MonthYear,
ApplyMap('QuartersMap', month(TempDate), Null()) as Quarter,
Week(weekstart(TempDate)) & '-' & WeekYear(TempDate) as WeekYear,
WeekDay(TempDate) as WeekDay
Resident TempCalendar
Order By TempDate ASC;
Drop Table TempCalendar;
Here is a screenshot of the modification
So If you are using a master calendar, could i have a sample where i could use min and max. I mean it's because of that that it's not working, right ?
Hi Yann,
Try WeekYear(TempDate) & '-' & Num(Week(weekstart(TempDate)),'00') as WeekYear.
This will put the year in front and puts a zero in front of one-digit-weeks (9 --> 09). Sorting is then correct.
If you are not sure or it doesn't work, try testing parts of the expression (i.e. =MaxString(WeekYear)) in a text box, so you can understand how the definition is built.
Besides I have a cycle group in this chart (Weeks and Month)
What would be the exact formula to include month as well ?
It's working on a tex box but not on a bar chart.
It drives me crazy.
But so far progress was made and i thank you for that. Do you think it has to do with the bar chart property ?
Besides i wanted to ask you
I have a cycle group in this chart (Weeks and Month)
What would be the exact formula to include month as well ?
Thank you thank you
It work when i Specify the weekyear...
Hi Yann,
Now you can put WeekYear in a variable:
vMaxWeekYear =MaxString(WeekYear)
Use this in the expression:
Does this work?
Sorry but i'm not very familiar for variable.
I added this in the script
But It doesn't appear neither in variable overview
nor in a set analysis within a text box...
I suceeded putting up the variable in the exact menus
But the text box doesn't recognize the variable as well 😕
You need to use dollar sign: $(vMaxWeekYear).
If this is not working, then try to put =-sign in the variable: =MaxString(WeekYear)