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I've read numerous posts and tried various ways of getting this work, but I either get blank tables (NULLs I presume), or three duplicate tables with massive synthetic keys. How do I solve this?
PO: //table placeholder, as I'm concatenating later
LOAD * Inline
[temp1, temp2
1, 1 ];
for each CoName in 'Company1', 'Company2', 'Company3'
t_PO: //temporary table
LOAD POPOrderReturnID,
'$(CoName)' as [Company Name],
DocumentNo as [PO Number],
DocumentPrintStatusID, //+10 more fields
SQL SELECT * FROM "$(CoName)".dbo.POPOrder;
t_PO: //concatenate archived data
LOAD POPOrderReturnID,
'$(CoName)' as [Company Name],
DocumentNo as [PO Number],
SQL SELECT * FROM "$(CoName)".dbo.POPOrderArchive;
left join
t_PO: //replaces ID with Name
LOAD DocumentStatusID,
Name as "PO Status";
SQL SELECT DocumentStatusID,
FROM "$(CoName)".dbo.DocumentStatus;
drop field DocumentStatusID;
left join
t_PO: //replaces another ID with Name
LOAD DocumentPrintStatusID,
Name as "PO Print Status";
SQL SELECT DocumentPrintStatusID,
FROM "$(CoName)".dbo.DocumentPrintStatus; //+2 more joins like this
drop field DocumentPrintStatusID;
Concatenate //the final table
Resident t_PO;
DROP Table t_PO;
DROP Fields temp1, temp2;
May be try this:
FOR each CoName in 'Company1', 'Company2', 'Company3'
t_PO: //temporary table
LOAD POPOrderReturnID,
'$(CoName)' as [Company Name],
DocumentNo as [PO Number],
DocumentPrintStatusID, //+10 more fields
SQL SELECT * FROM "$(CoName)".dbo.POPOrder;
t_PO: //concatenate archived data
LOAD POPOrderReturnID,
'$(CoName)' as [Company Name],
DocumentNo as [PO Number],
SQL SELECT * FROM "$(CoName)".dbo.POPOrderArchive;
left join
Temp1: //replaces ID with Name
LOAD DocumentStatusID,
Name as "PO Status";
SQL SELECT DocumentStatusID,
FROM "$(CoName)".dbo.DocumentStatus;
DROP Field DocumentStatusID;
left join
Temp2: //replaces another ID with Name
LOAD DocumentPrintStatusID,
Name as "PO Print Status";
SQL SELECT DocumentPrintStatusID,
FROM "$(CoName)".dbo.DocumentPrintStatus; //+2 more joins like this
DROP Field DocumentPrintStatusID;
Resident t_PO;
Left Join(Temp_PO)
Resident Temp1
Left Join(Temp_PO)
Resident Temp2
DROP Tables t_PO, Temp1, Temp2
Try qualyfying your common fields using the
qualify statement
quality [Company Name],[PO Number];
Concatenate //the final table
or create a composite key in your sub tables
One simple way would be to Store t_PO into Company wise qvd's and drop t_PO; Go to next loop.
Later read all the qvds.
Why are you getting qlikview to do what sql does best
get SQL to Left Join The Table
Example Below Based on MS SQL:-
SELECT * FROM "$(CoName)".dbo.POPOrderArchive POP
left join "$(CoName)".dbo.DocumentStatus STATUS on POP.DocumentStatusID=STATUS.DocumentStatusID
left join "$(CoName)".dbo.DocumentPrintStatus PSTATUS on POP.DocumentPrintStatusID=PSTATUS.DocumentPrintStatusID;
I have thought of this approach, but would it not be extremely slow to reload?
You're probably right, but
1. I was taught in a puristic Qlikview way where you load tables 'as is', and then do all processing in Qlikvliew.
2. I am not as confident in SQL, which would mean I'd have to test script in SQL Management Studio, and then come back to Qlikview. This may not be even feasible in some customer sites.
That's nice alternative to '$(CoName)' as [Company Name] variable, but the issue is the way Qlikview handles concatenate and left join in a loop - I would still have the same problems, IMO.
True but it's horses for courses. Qlikview Joining is single treaded [in the main] so can be slow, especially on unsorted data.
Pure Qlikview way would be to do it for one DB [Company] store it out and drop, Repeat for each and then load the stored QVD's. This would also most likely be the quickest way in qlikview.
I've tried this approach too, and for some reason I got it working in Qlik Sense, but not in Qlikview. Is there a difference the way the engine handles it?
I've finally got it working by creating a loop for each table, and then concatenating to the main table after the loop. Concatenating two tables with exact structure works fine within a loop, but not left joining or concatenating to the main table. There is a lot of redundancy doing it this way, but at least it joins and concatenates data correctly.