I'm new in QlikView and I'm trying to convert my masterpiece from Excel to QlikView. The attached Excel file shows the analysis of the number of concurrent events within a particular hour. The formula to determine the number of concurrent incidents within an hour is the sum of the followings:
- Any event happened at/after Start of Hour and ended before End of Hour
- Any event happened at/after Start of Hour and ended after the next hour
- Any event happened before Start of Hour and ended within the current hour
- Any event happened before Start of Hour and ended after the next hour
The following diagram summarized the above situations:
The Excel formula I used on the "Analysis" Worksheet (see Column I) is an array function to do the sum of the above 4 scenarios. What should be the equivalent QlikView Edit Script syntax for this? I read some of the threads about IntervalMatch () with Count(distinct) but seems that is not generating the data I need.
Excel attachment updated by Alfred Shum