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Creation of a Population pyramid

Hello everybody,

i would like to create a population pyramid, like the one below.

Anyway, i've the basis (a chart per gender) but i would like to integrate those two in one.

I haven't found how i can divide the axis ....

Can anyone help me on this topic ?

Thanks a lot 🙂

5 Replies
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Here is how to create only one chart.

Create 2 expressions using set analysis


=Sum({1<Gender={'F'}>} Ratio)


=-Sum({1<Gender={'H'}>} Ratio)

Men will be displayed on the lefthandside and women on the right handside.

The above solution works fine if no data is to be displayed on the chart.

If 'Text on data point' is checked, Men are labeled with negative values. Is there a way to have labels with positive values on both sides?

Master II
Master II


you may create a third expression repeating the abs-value of the negative one and switch off the display of the negative ones

see the attached example



Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

Below is my Qlikview (v9) based population pyramid chart - it's all fully drillable and behaves exactly like a native Qv object.

It's simple an compound overlay of 3 bar charts, by using actions the various objects that make up the chart can be made to minimize / maximize in the same way as traditional 'single' charts.

Hope that helps - I know it's been a while since the original post!



Not applicable

Hi Matt,

Indeed, it has been a while since the original post. Would it be possible to have your QVW file or a quick tutorial, i don't really see how you manage to create this chart.

Thanks a lot 🙂

Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

I'd be glad to post - file attached.

The data is simple test data loaded via an inline but this could easily be more complex data grouped into the age buckets - no reason why Dynamic User Defined Buckets couldn't be used.

Pulling it apart should give you all the answers you need - its simple once you get the transparency set correctly and the sharts lined up - one flaw however is that the axis labels are added manually as text objects as the left hand side would display negatives otherwise.

Hope it helps.

Matt - Visual Analytics Ltd