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Crosstables gone wild

I'd like to simplify my data model, to improve performance. I've built a set of cross tables from the same base of data, to account for different kinds of information:

- Costs by year, and by month

- Volume by year, and by month

The original table was 800K rows, so you can imagine now there are millions of rows, just for the luxury of having crosstables. It's quite sluggish, and I'd like to find ways to streamline more. Pls opine!

2 Replies
Master II
Master II

use load * and not to repeat the fields again and again

use maping function to selected field you want in table from other

hope it helps you

Not applicable

Load * results in many unnecessary fields being loaded from the raw data set. Also, given that I'm loading a cross table, reducing the number of fields speeds things up quite a bit. Can you give me an example of what you mean? Not sure I fully understand.