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Hi All,
I have a problem in Nprinting date filters.
In My dashboard I have 2 filters in Period YTD and Custom.
When user select YTD it is showing YTD values in chart and same filters am able to provide in Nprinting.
When user select Custon from Period dates will apper and user can select dates as they want and need to press on apply then chart values will get change as per the date range filters.
I am not able to provide this logic in Nprinting since date filters we can give but How can we provide Apply functionality in Nprinting.
For both the filters chart is same.
Note: All these functionality will be On-Demand process .
I hope i clear the requirement.
Thanks in advance.
Some more information.
After selecting the filters we have excel icon there which is having link to connect Nprinting and then char will export to excel.
Any suggestions on this
Hi ,
Try to use variables for Custom YTD calculation From & To dates
From Date Calendar object
variable : vFromDate
MIN: min(Trans_date) ,
MAX: max(Trans_date)
ToDate Calendar object
variable : vTodate
MIN: $(vFromDate)
MAX: max(Trans_date)
use these variables in your chart expressions then no need to click on apply button date selections reflects automatically
just an idea as i am not aware of you app design
Hi hari,
You can do one thing, take a clone of this template and set the filter in nprinting template with the variable you are passing for Custom and call this template based on condition (i.e template should be called when Period is custom).
Hi Sasi,
Thanks for your suggestion.
But in my case the dash board was designed when i click on Apply then the variable dates will get activate.
With out clicking on apply the calendar dates will not apply Chart.
Your suggestion will work when we don't have apply kind of functionality.
Hi Neha,
Thanks for your replay,
I had done the same thing but it is not working because when i click on apply button the dates will get activate which is assign to variable and it will apply on chart then the values are coming up.
with out clicking on apply the dates in calendar object won't apply on chart