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Excel Pivot functionality in Qlikview. When we click a cell in Excel pivot, a new sheet appears with whole data dump, but same action in Qlikview will result something different. So I want to replicate that excel pivot functionality in Qlikview. Can anyone help me here??
Can you share sample app here , in which you have tried something ? or please elaborate your question more
When we click a cell in Excel pivot, a new sheet appears with whole data dump means ?
Hello Agnivesh,
my Raw Data
After clicking Pivot cell 60, i get below output in PIVOT
Now in Qlikview i am not getting the same result as in Excel Pivot after double clikc
Hari Babu,
In excel, Whatever you did you can't apply whole functionality in Qlikview. Because QV has some limited Access. But, you can achieve the Target in Qlik while whatever formula you did in Excel.
Or else please try to reply of Agnivesh
in that, Can i know your Requirement
Updated : Attachment
In your attachment, can we activate (pop up) second table only when we click any cell in 1st table?
is it possible in Qlikview?
Pop up means what?
second table should be visible only when i click a cell in 1st table.
By default i should have only 1st table, when i click a cell in this 1st table, second table should be made visible
I have set up a spread sheet with your data and pivoted it. I do not get the filtering action when clicking on a row in the pivot table.
As i know, Pivot table is not possible.
But we have one way to do this
Just create one text object and create one variable with Hide and Show option then put that text object on that cell with the transparency of 100%
Then try it should work
Good luck