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How to clear all list box selections except one.
Faisal M A
we can use alternate states so that selections will not pass to the required list box
Right click on the List Box -> "Clear Other Fields'
If you only need one field selecting in the list box, select one then on the listbox properties, general, select the 'Always one selected value'
Alternatively, if you make selection(s) in the list box, you can right click lock and it will not clear the list box (unless you select unlock and clear all from the clear menu or right click on the list box again, unlock then clear all)
Note when locked it is blue and yellow
Goto listbox properties>>General>>(Checked)Always one selected values
Hope this will helps you..
Hi Faisal,
another option, Create a CLEAR button, with the action 'Clear Other Field' and specify the name of the field to don't want to clear
HTH Andy