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Master II
Master II

Exporting reports into excel and share the same file with users through the email!

Hi ,

can any one help me on this?

I can able to export any chart object into excel through the macro, but how to share the same with users by configuring the email options from qlikview server or qlikview desktop?

NOTE: We don't have publisher and nprinting components right now to do the same.

3 Replies
Champion III
Champion III


check this posts

Script for Exporting and Sending email

Note: macros cannot be triggered via Qlikview server.

You have to use windows task scheduler to do the job.




Not applicable


FUNCTION ExcelExport(objID) set obj = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject( objID ) w = obj.GetColumnCount if obj.GetRowCount>1001 then h=1000 else h=obj.GetRowCount end if Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcel.Workbooks.Add objExcel.Worksheets(1).select() objExcel.Visible = True set CellMatrix = obj.GetCells2(0,0,w,h) column = 1 for cc=0 to w-1 objExcel.Cells(1,column).Value = CellMatrix(0)(cc).Text objExcel.Cells(1,column).EntireRow.Font.Bold = True column = column +1 next c = 1 r =2 for RowIter=1 to h-1 for ColIter=0 to w-1 objExcel.Cells(r,c).Value = CellMatrix(RowIter)(ColIter).Text c = c +1 next r = r+1 c = 1 next END FUNCTION  SUB CallExample ExcelExport( "CH01" ) END SUB
Master II
Master II


can any one help me here,the below code I'm using to export my sheet object into excel and send to email!,

but some how I'm not received whichever the sheet object exported to excel through email!?

sub ExcelFile

  strDate = CDate(Date)

  strDay = DatePart("d", strDate)

  strMonth = DatePart("m", strDate)

  strYear = DatePart("yyyy", strDate)

  If strDay < 10 Then

    strDay = "0" & strDay

  End If

  If strMonth < 10 Then

    strMonth = "0" & strMonth

  End If

  GetFormattedDate = strMonth & "-" & strDay & "-" & strYear

Path = "D:\ExportFiles\"

FileName = "Test_" & GetFormattedDate  & ".xlsx"

set XLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

XLApp.Visible = true

set XLDoc = XLApp.Workbooks.Add

ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject("TB01").CopyTableToClipboard true



XLDoc.SaveAs Path & FileName

    ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 5000

  call mailrapport 


  ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 5000


end sub

  function mailrapport()

        Dim objEmail

        Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2     ' Send the message using SMTP

     Const cdoAnonymous = 0     'Do not authenticate

     Const cdoBasic = 1         'basic (clear-text) authentication

     Const cdoNTLM = 2         'NTLM

     SMTPServer =""

     Const SMTPPort = 25                 ' Port number for SMTP

     Const SMTPTimeout = 60              ' Timeout for SMTP in seconds

     'Sending mail

     Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

     Set objConf = objEmail.Configuration

     Set objFlds = objConf.Fields

     With objFlds


         ' SMTP server details

              .Item("") = cdoSendUsingPort 

           .Item("") = SMTPServer 

           .Item("") = cdoAnonymous  

           .Item("") = SMTPPort 

           .Item("") = False 

           .Item("") = SMTPTimeout 



     End With

     objEmail.To = ""        'Email Recipient 

     objEmail.From = "myemail_admin(having admit rights where i'm exeuting this code)"       'Email Sender

     objEmail.Subject = FileName                    ' Subject

     objEmail.TextBody = FileName                   'Text Body         

     objEmail.AddAttachments   "D:\ExportFiles\Test_07-10-2015.xlsx"  ' Attachement




     Set objFlds = Nothing

     Set objConf = Nothing

     Set objEmail = Nothing

  end function

Note:my server ip is already amended on my smpt email server!