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I have excel sheets belongs to each year (2015,2016,2017). those sheets are stored based on year. so i have three folders.
These sheets doesn't have year .
I want to add coulm to qlikview when reloading based on year.
simply i want to implement for loop kind of thing to get data from all the folders and fill the year based on year.
Is this possible
You can find a script to loop through folders here: loop through to load all files from a folder and its subfolders? It contains this part:
for each SubDirectory in dirlist( Root & '\*' )
call ScanFolder(SubDirectory)
next SubDirectory
You can use the variable Subdirectory to create the extra year column. Something like this:
'$(SubDirectory)' as Year
Hi Thanks for the reply,
Still i have some issues,
it says
Cannot open file 'C:\Users\Dell\Desktop\Tech Stats\Report By Member*.csv' The system cannot find the file specified.
This is the script i use
sub ScanFolder(Data\Years)
for each SubDirectory in dirlist( Data\Years & '\*' )
call ScanFolder(SubDirectory)
LOAD @1 as [Member],
'$(SubDirectory)' as Year,
[Report By Member*.csv]
(txt, utf8, no labels, delimiter is ',', msq) where @1 <> 'Grand total' and @1 <> 'Report By Member' ;
next SubDirectory
I have files in below folder structure
Main folder : C:\Users\Dell\Desktop\Stats\Data\Years
subfolders : 2016 , 2017 , 2015
each folder has n number of files : member****.csv
My qvw file is in the location C:\Users\Dell\Desktop\Stats
I want to load all the files and get new feild call year based on subfolder name when reloading data
i used below script, but it doesn't work.
what's trhe wrong with this script.
for each SubDirectory in dirlist(C:\Users\Dell\Desktop\Stats\Data\Years & '\*' )
call ScanFolder(C:\Users\Dell\Desktop\Stats\Data\Years)
next SubDirectory
LOAD @1 as [Report By Member],
@2 as PT,
'$(SubDirectory)' as tempYear,
if(len(trim(TextBetween(@2, '#', ' ')))=0,trim(TextBetween(@2, '#', '')),trim(TextBetween(@2, '#', ' '))) as tId,
trim(TextBetween(@2, '@', ' ')) as productname,
@3 as Date,
@4 as Hours
[$(SubDirectory)\Report By Member*.csv]
(txt, utf8, no labels, delimiter is ',', msq) where @1 <> 'Grand total' and @1 <> 'Report By Member' ;