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Help with Hierarchy?


I am working on an Employee - Manager - Management Level Ragged Hierarchy. I am trying to follow HIC's post here Hierarchies

I am starting with a horizontal hierarchy of Employees. Each employee has a manager, but each manager may not report up to the next level. (Like HIC's example of city to state to country hierarchy for the City of Washington DC, which does not have a state.) I think I am successful at building the equivalent of HIC's Winedistricts. That is the table called Tree_Emps.

I am stuck on the building of the  Adjacent nodes table. The resulting Nodes, Trees, and Treebridge contain lots of duplicate rows with null values for the TreeID and TreeName.  All of those nulls tell me I am doing something wrong, but I don't know what.

  records with nulls.PNG

Can anyone help me with this? I am attaching sample data and qvw file.

Thank you !

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