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Do More with Qlik - Qlik Cloud Analytics Recap and Getting Started, June 19: REGISTER
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How do i add new value in the list box

Dear all,

How do i add new value in the list box.

I have one list box in the name of Region(Field name) & R1, R2, R3,R4 & R5 are field values in the Region list box.

My requirement is need to add one more value in the same list box in the name of "All', if i click the "All" it should show the All values of R1, R2, R3..... in the reports.

My output Will be :








4 Replies
Master II
Master II

All is the same as having the regions unselected?

Alternatively you may create a cyclic group, where you may change between the regions and an empty dimension, which you may call "ALL"


Champion III
Champion III

I believe you could add a RegionGroup field as follows and then use it instead of Region in the list box.

LOAD fieldvalue('Region',iterno()) as Region
WHILE len(fieldvalue('Region',iterno()))
Region as RegionGroup
RESIDENT RegionsTemp
CONCATENATE (RegionGroups)
'All' as RegionGroup
RESIDENT RegionsTemp
DROP TABLE RegionsTemp

Mind you, if this is ONLY for selections, just train your users to blank out the selections to get 'All'. You'd only want to do something like this if, say, you wanted a separate bar in a bar chart for 'All'.

Not applicable

Dear sir,

I did not understand the first table RegionTemp:

Champion III
Champion III

I wanted to create a RegionGroups table, and for this I needed a list of all of the regions. So I decided to just put the regions themselves in a temporary table, giving me a concise list to work with instead of working with the original table.

A common solution for generating the temporary table might look like this:

FROM MyMainDataTable

But my assumption was that your main data table has, say, 50 million rows of data but only 100 regions. Scanning all 50 million rows like this to get a list of regions would be inefficient. Fortunately, the fieldvalue() function allows us to access all of the values of a field without referring to any tables, without scanning any rows. The while loop just keeps generating rows of a new table as long as there are still more values of the region field. The final result, then, is a new table with every field value in it, generated very efficiently. Then I could just do my loads from that temporary table instead of from the main data table.

So I guess it was a combination of load speed and separation of responsibility that led me to that approach.

In hind sight, this is probably a better approach for this specific example:

fieldvalue('Region',iterno()) as RegionGroup
,fieldvalue('Region',iterno()) as Region
WHILE len(fieldvalue('Region',iterno()))
CONCATENATE (RegionGroups)
'All' as RegionGroup
RESIDENT RegionGroups

I probably didn't think to do it that way at first because I often need more than just two loads concatenated like this, and if you needed a third, you could no longer just simply load resident from the RegionGroups table itself, or you'd get duplication of values. I could also just keep repeating the while loop for every new table I'm concatenating, but I think the while fieldvalue logic is complicated enough that I prefer to only do it once. So I'm just in the habit of generating temporary tables first, even if it wasn't necessary for this example.