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Contributor II
Contributor II

How to build data model forming multiple common keys

Hi All,

I have tables  like table 1, table2, table 3 table 4 and Table 5. Can you please see the below table fields for each table.

Table 1
Code Code Type Market Region Zone Code flag1 flag2 Status


Table 2
Date Year Month Market Type Quntity Code Sales


Table 3
Date Year Month Market Orders Type Sales_Orders


Table 4  
Date Year Month Market Region Zone Type Profit Profit area


Table 5  
Date Year Month Market Region Type Order_type Order Quantity Volume


Table 1 and Table 2 mapped with code field and table 2, table 3, table 4 and Table 5 mapped with multiple fields and table 1 ,table 3, table 4 and Table 5 mapped with multiple field with Table 1.

I am trying avoid synthetic key using link table then it is forming circular loop.

I am trying to add code field into link table then code field values is not reflected table 3, table 4 and Table 5 and Table 1 only reflected.

Can you please suggest me  how to build data mode when If I selected any filters like code, Year, Month , Market , Region, Zone then reflected entire tables.

Can you please suggest me how to form associations. if possible can you share sample example.


Thanks & Regards,


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5 Replies
Champion III
Champion III

Simply knowing fields is not enough, what is relations between each of these tables?

1 to Many , or 1 to 1 or many to many?


please post some sample data in excel

Vineeth Pujari
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Contributor II
Contributor II

Hi Vinieme,

Thanks for your replay.

I have attached sample excel sheet with sample data.

My requirement is if I select any code in code field then it will reflect in all table values.

I have 5 tables taken in Qlik side tables are "market wise" ,"region wise" , "Zone wise "and "code wise" separate tables.

In market table i have taken fields like Market ,Orders, Type and Sales orders.

If i select code values in code field then it will reflect the data and same time if i select year or Month selection then it will reflect.

Same thing in Regions and Zone , and Code table and also will reflected in Market , Region, Zone, Code , Year and Month field selections also.


Can you please suggest me how to build data model.


Thanks & Regards,



When you set out to build a new data-driven application that will use a relational database, you might start by modeling the domain as a set of ...
Contributor II
Contributor II

Hi All,

I have share sample excel file with data.

Can any one please suggest me, If i select Code then data will reflect all the sheets data.

If it is possible can you please suggest me how to form data model in Qlikview side.


Thanks & Regards,




Just create the data-model as star-scheme - which is the official recommendation from Qlik to get the best compromise of efforts and performance. This means in your case merging all 5 tables into a single fact-table and maybe some information - especially from table 1 - might be outsourced in n dimension-tables.

Especially the tables 2 - 5 look like as if they could be rather simple concatenated - maybe some cleaning/filling/preparing of the fields might be useful. For some of these measures and/or as alternatively to the concatenation you may also join/map the tables together.

It's not only the simplest approach to build a data-model else it works usually very smoothly and with a good performance. 

- Marcus