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How to copy sheets/objects that are not linked to originals?

I'm having trouble making a copy of a sheet.  Ultimately the copy will have mostly the same object types, I just need to tweak some of them given the different context of this second sheet.  The sheet has some nested grid containers (e.g a 1 x 3 with each row stuffed with a 3x3 stuffed with charts).  This is where I am having the trouble.

When I do a sheet copy (right-click copy), the new sheet objects are all linked to the original so whatever I do to them gets done on the original sheet.  It think this is due to the Object IDs being the same on those objects between the sheets (the copy doesn't make new object IDs for some reason???).  However when I then change the object IDs on the new sheet, the objects disappear!!!  I'm guessing this is because those object IDs are not in the container/new sheet included list. 

Its seems like a catch 22.  How can a sheet copy be done?  Is copying container objects a bad idea in Qlikview?

4 Replies


For containers you can do like this,

You can clone objects from a container just right clicking on them, then hit "Clone". It will create a copy of the chart outside the container and with a new ID.

What you do is to clone every chart from the container, them copy them to the new QVW and then put the charts inside a new container in the destination QVW.

Drawback to this method is you have to copy the individual objects in a container one at a time, but at least you do not have to recreate!



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Its easy to  un link  the Object rather than copying individual charts and placing them again in to container

just select the chart in container right click-->Linked objects-->Un link this object

Container is not linked only objects inside the container are linked

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Actually if you have a container in a container, it appears the inner contain remains linked, or at least has the same object id.  On this dash I have a couple dozen list box filters, so unlinking causes the chart to become disconnected from all of them.  So in this situation unlinking will cause more work.

It appears you don't have to clone the charts, just copy then paste them into the new sheet after getting rid of and recreating any nested containers.  There's also a lot of bugginess when dealing with copied containers.  You delete the charts inside them but the charts remain and you can repeated right-click-delete without it doing anything.  Then when you switch sheets or slice a filter, the chart then suddenly disappears.

Making copies of things is not that smooth with QlikView.

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As far as I can tell, copy sheet is a poor feature and must be used carefully with lots of saves.  You copy the worksheet, then unlink the charts on the new sheet -- otherwise deleting them will delete them on the original sheet!  Then delete the charts on the new sheet, then copy them back from the original to new sheet and put them into the containers or wherever you had them.

However the above steps do not go smoothly.  I've gotten buggy inexplicable behaviors including:

1. Charts on the new sheet that won't remove (right click-->remove does nothing)

2. Changes still occur on the original sheet even after unlinking all the objects on the new sheet (ie after unlinking, you delete charts on the new sheet and notice they are now gone on the original sheet)

3. List box filters mysteriously disappear after deleting containers on the new sheet (deleted containers did not have the list boxes in them!)

4. Missing charts and other components on the new copied sheet after copying -- a "bad copy"

5. File-->save no longer works.  You get no error, it appears to work but the * doesn't go away and when you try to close the file it will keep asking if you want to save.  When it happened to me, after multiple save retries I selected no (don't save) so I could close the file.  I reloaded and was missing all the latest changes.

I recommend making multiple saves through the process as it seems easy for your sheets to irreversibly lose components and linkages.