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I have dimension and expressions as below in pie chart.
Dimension1: =If(Match([ConsultName],'XX'),[ConsultName])
Dimension2: Status
Expression1: =Sum(Time_in)
Expression2: =Num(Sum(Time_in)/Sum(Total Time_in),'#,##0.00%')
the pie chart is showing percentages in value ate data points. I need the percentage values to display besdie Status legend as well. The Status have values Enter , Leave
Please can anyone suggest me how to set this.
Hi Amelia,
I think you can achieve that by using a dual expression instead of two:
dual(num(sum(Metric)/sum(total Metric),'#,##0.0%'),sum(Metric))
Then you untick the "Relative" checkbox and tick "Show Numbers in Legend", this way it will display the numeric values on the legend and the percentages on the data points.
Hope this helps,
The issue is that Amelia can not get the Legends to show. I think it is worth checking as mentioned before that the show legend in the dimension tab is checked
Please see attached.
Thanks. I have tried this. still not showing.
Can you please take a screen shot of your dimension TAB and presentation TAB. of course if possible.
Not sure why it is not showing the value for the second dimension. I have used text in chart as a workaround. See if thie helps.
the problem with ur calculated dimension it seems.
Could it then be a problem with your Dimension Expression
may be define the else part ie
If(Match([ConsultName],'XX'),[ConsultName],'Unknow') just a test.
Thanks. when I used this it is showing 100% for both Enter and Leave instead of individual percentages. is there any reason why it is showing like this?