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JDE Source

Dear All,

   For my QlikView document, sources are:

1.       Excel files updated manually (pretty sure about accessing this)

2.       JDE (totally blind about this)

Some of the queries that came into my mind immediately:

1.       How to config JDE connector

2.       How to use JDE connector to collect data from JDE

3.       Are there any special things need to take care during using this connector

Would be really very useful, If you could share more on this context.

Thanks & Regards,

Saravana Prabhu

3 Replies
Former Employee
Former Employee

As long as I know, JDE (JD Edwards) is usually supported by an Oracle or IBM databse. You can connect to the JDE Database using ODBC.



I read somewhere that it requires special connector to use. Does my understanding is correct?

Thanks & Regards,

Saravana Prabhu

Contributor II
Contributor II

Connection to JDE is at the database level.  Such as iSeries (AS400) it is to the DB2 files (F0101, F4210, etc...)  These are access via ODBC.  You will need a user name and password at least on DB2.

On our Qlikview server "iSeries Access for Windows ODBC data source" is defined in the ODBC Data Source Administrator under System DSN.  You will need Client Access basic install is you are on an iSeries.  I believe that SQL database is already in Windows.  Oracle DB I have no idea.