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Hi All
I have a report that have run without any problems for a while. But now it is keep failing. I have had a look at it and cannot find any errors in the script. I have tried to load only the QVD file (that now is almost 400.000 KB big) and that I cannot do. So think the error is here somewhere. So my question is, can a QVD file be to big for reloading?
Best regards
No ,QVD file can't be too big for reload ( i have dealt with QVDs which are 2GB in size...) I'm positive the problem is not with the QVD.
The log files should help.
oki Thanks.
this is the log file. Do not help me.
19-09-2012 09:03:43 Error The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully. DocumentPath=\\EMEADKDCVsql01\d$\QlikViewStorage\QlikViewPublished\C290\Picking Reports\DCR - Picking per hour.qvw.
19-09-2012 09:03:43 Error Reload failed.
19-09-2012 09:03:43 Error Reload failed. Distribution skipped.
19-09-2012 09:03:43 Error The task "Reload of C290\Picking Reports\DCR - Picking per hour.qvw" failed. ErrorCount=3
Well unless I have access to the QVW,its difficult to diagnose the problem.
Check if the path to the QVD is the right one.
Yes the path is OK. I think there is some problem with QVD file, that it may be damaged or something. When I try to open it for reload, it is blank, but normally the figures would be visible. And still it has a size of 382 MB