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Hi Experts,
Here I am attaching my qvd and qvw files, Can you guys please help me out for the below mentioned challenge:
I have a multiple date columns in my file. Now i want to create master hierarchy calendar for and link with all the dates. because i want to show only one list box in my report i.e. hierarchy calendar list box. For that i wrote some script but i was strucked somewhere
Output scenario:
I want to create a text object for joiners
for that expression is like this: Count(candidateID) but these candidate id's count are based on plcdate column.
If i select April Month and 2018 year from hierarchy calendar list box output should be 15 for this text object.
Please Help me out from this guys.
Thank you in advance
Use this
=Count({<Recruiter={'Irfan Memon','Rajiv Ranjan','Aditi Saxena','Sneha Singh'},plcdate=-{''}>}Distinct CandidateID)
Hi M W,
There He is having three different tables, Here i have only one table in that table multiple date columns are there.
If possible can you please try with my qvd by creating text object whatever i mentioned in my question
Thank you in advance
Hi Rajiv,
Have you created text object?? and how you create the only one list box for all date
Because I am using Qlikview Personal edition, So i am not able to open that file but by using qliksense i have written script but i want to show text object also
If create Can you please explain here
Hi bvssudhakar
I have used the same model that you have shared. I am attaching the script for the model. Please use it in your model and reload (I have changed the qvd location as per my machine, just change it to yours.
Hi Rajiv,
I have implemented this in my qvw. but we can't show these many date list boxes na?? user is asking he wants only three list boxes, those are year, month,quarter list boxes only. if possible he wants only one hierarchy list box.
Can you please give me the suggestions for this
Hi bvssudhakar
Just want to make sure I understand the requirement properly. You need to show the count for id by filtering it on Year, Month and Quarter right? How do you want to differentiate it as Placed, Placement, Enter etc? Do you want to show the values in different textboxes, such as the values changes in different text boxes based on the Year, Month etc selection?
Can you please help me out for this.
The cookbook example should still work for you. You have multiple dates, just load each date in turn into the DateLink table.