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List box single select value


I have three list boxes. Business unit, market and product.The requirement is if the user selects Business unit then automatically it should select market and product. If Business unit is selected and 2 or 3 markets or products are associated with it then first value shold get green selected.

I dont want to use the always one selected value.

Can we write the expression for the same.

Thanks in Advance..!!!

4 Replies
Former Employee

I do not think it is a good idea to make selections automatically. Selections should be made by the user. (But if you still want it, you can probably create an action that makes the selection and is triggered by a selection in business unit.)

However, my main question is: What problem are you really trying to solve?


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I have written the expression on anyselect property. It is working fine. Like on Business unit selection,it displays the market and product as automatically selected.

Only issue is on clear button it is removing the market selection.

Is there  way to resolve it..

Former Employee

You can create a separate button on the sheet that clears just some fields, not all. Use the action "Clear Field" one or several times.


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We can create a separate button. But if user clicks on the clear button available on access point then it will again clear the data.