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Hi All,
In my dashboard i have table box object,
Send this table box data into excel using macros with report name as Excel sheet name...
I need it urgent....
Any help really appreciate.
Thank you
sub test
'Set the path where the excel will be saved
filePath = "C:\Test.xls"
'Create the Excel spreadsheet
Set excelFile = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
excelFile.Visible = true
'Create the WorkBook
Set curWorkBook = excelFile.WorkBooks.Add
'Create the Sheet
'first chart object
Set curSheet = curWorkBook.WorkSheets(1)
chartArray = Array("CH06") ' give the name of your object instead of CH06
For Each chart In chartArray
Set i = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject(chart)
chartCaption = i.GetCaption.Name.v
curSheet.Cells(usedRows+1, 1)=chartCaption
i.CopyTableToClipboard true
curSheet.Cells(usedRows+3, 1).Select
'loop end
excelFile.Visible = true
'Save the file and quit excel
curWorkBook.SaveAs filePath
Set curWorkBook = nothing
Set excelFile = nothing
end sub
you could modify the macro in this link to suit your requirements.
Hi Anju,
I'm new to VB Script.......Could you please send me a Application for one object..
Check this and try
Sub Test
ExcelAppend "h:\test.xlsx", "CH01"
End Sub
Sub ExcelAppend(strExcelAppenFile, strExelAppendObjectID)
' Create an instance of Excel
SET objExcelApp = CREATEOBJECT("Excel.Application")
' Open workbook
WITH objExcelApp
.DefaultSaveFormat = xlWorkbookNormal
.DisplayAlerts = FALSE
.Workbooks.Open strExcelAppenFile
.DisplayFullScreen = FALSE
.Visible = FALSE
' Set worksheet
SET objExcelSheet = objExcelApp.Worksheets(1)
' Set Excel used range
SET objExcelRange = objExcelSheet.Range("A65535").End(-4162)
' Last used row in column A
intExcelLastRow = objExcelRange.Row
' Set object to append from
SET objObjectFrom = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject(strExelAppendObjectID)
' Loop all rows of the object except first header row
FOR intObjectRow = 1 To objObjectFrom.GetRowCount - 1
' Loop all columns of the object
FOR intObjectColumn = 0 To objObjectFrom.GetColumnCount - 1
' Get object data
SET objCell = objObjectFrom.GetCell(intObjectRow, intObjectColumn)
' Add that data to Excel cell
objExcelSheet.Cells(intObjectRow + intExcelLastRow, intObjectColumn + 1) = objCell.Text
' Save and quit
objExcelSheet.SaveAs strExcelAppenFile
SET objExcelSheet = NOTHING
SET objExcelApp = NOTHING
sub test
'Set the path where the excel will be saved
filePath = "C:\Test.xls"
'Create the Excel spreadsheet
Set excelFile = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
excelFile.Visible = true
'Create the WorkBook
Set curWorkBook = excelFile.WorkBooks.Add
'Create the Sheet
'first chart object
Set curSheet = curWorkBook.WorkSheets(1)
chartArray = Array("CH06") ' give the name of your object instead of CH06
For Each chart In chartArray
Set i = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject(chart)
chartCaption = i.GetCaption.Name.v
curSheet.Cells(usedRows+1, 1)=chartCaption
i.CopyTableToClipboard true
curSheet.Cells(usedRows+3, 1).Select
'loop end
excelFile.Visible = true
'Save the file and quit excel
curWorkBook.SaveAs filePath
Set curWorkBook = nothing
Set excelFile = nothing
end sub
Hi Anju,
When ever we click on the button, the excel sheet should display with name as " ASIA REGION.xls"
in the macro above , instead of Test.xls..give the appropriate name.(line 3)
filePath = "C:\Test.xls"
Thank you Anju, Its working fine.....
Hi Guys,
I am using this same macro, but i wanted to do some modification like my excel file should be saved in name of Filename_vstartdate_venddate.xls, I have edited the macro, but it is not working. Could anyone help me on this.
Sub ExcelExpwCaption
'Set the path where the excel will be saved
SET v = ActiveDocument.Variables("vStartDate")
varDate = v.GetContent.STRING
SET v1 = ActiveDocument.Variables("vEndDate")
varDate1 = v1.GetContent.STRING
filePath = "H:\ExcelReport_"&varDate&"_"&varDate1&".xls"
'Create the Excel spreadsheet
Set excelFile = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
excelFile.Visible = true
'Create the WorkBook
Set WorkBook = excelFile.WorkBooks.Add
'Create the Sheet
Set Sheet = WorkBook.WorkSheets(1)
'Get the chart we want to export
Set tableToExport = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject("TB01")
Set chartProperties = tableToExport.GetProperties
tableToExport.CopyTableToClipboard true
'Get the caption
chartCaption = tableToExport.GetCaption.Name.v
'MsgBox chartCaption
'Set the first cell with the caption
Sheet.Range("A1") = chartCaption
'Paste the rest of the chart
Sheet.Paste Sheet.Range("A2")
excelFile.Visible = true
' 'Save the file and quit excel
' WorkBook.SaveAs filePath
' WorkBook.Close
' excelFile.Quit
Set WorkBook = nothing
Set excelFile = nothing
End Sub