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Master Calendar with 3 IDs/3 Calendars

Hi everyone,

I am posting a sample QVW - I have 3 ID/Year/Amounts that I want to link together with a master Year field, but still have the option to select one of the specific year fields as well. Does anyone know how I can do this?

5 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

‌See if this example fits your case.

Qlikview Cookbook: Tutorial - Using Common Date Dimensions


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Hi Rob,

Thanks for your response. I tried your solution before but, while I loved how well it was presented, I could not implement it. I think this is because I have 3 different IDs, not just OrderID as in your tutorial.

Master II
Master II

Why would you do so? The years in these tables does not have much in common, but a field related to a year. What will be the benefit to have a year to select?

Nevertheless you may concatenate the datatables and always add a field "Year", like

Load *, EventYear AS Year INLINE [

HTH Peter

Not applicable

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your reply. I tried your solution, and it works as intended. However, it is not the ideal solution because I also want to show how the data is related across the three year fields.

Here is my example. In the app I attached, you can see that in EventYear 2012, there are two EventIDs, 2 & 3. Those two EventIDs are associated with 4 PersonnelIDs, a - b - c - d. Finally, you can see that a - b - c - d have PersonnelAmounts that go from 2008-2012 in the PersonnelYear field.

So ideally, I want

1) to be able to click '2012' in EventYear and get all associated amounts for all personnel in all PersonnelYears for that event, and

2) I want a common Year field where if I select 2008-2012, I only get Amounts and IDs within that time range.

Master II
Master II

Hi Andrew,

then you should create a separate table with all possible combinations: year and IDs and link back the data.
