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Navigation between sheets in Qlikview

HI ,

I am using a Qlikview personal Edition . can I have a view where a set of buttons are available and selecting each button should open

a QVW under those buttons

Even a when a button is clicked other buttons should be available to navigate too

is this possible , kindly help on how to achieve it

Appreciate your support



6 Replies

Hi Sai,

Follow the below steps:

1. create a button

2. Go to properties> Action>if u want navigate between sheet select>Layout > activate sheet and paste the sheet ID

          if u want to launch a new qvw file select External and open new qlikview document and paste url


Not applicable

Hi Avinash ,

Thanks for the response I have tried that approach ( external --> QVW)

But I want external QVW to open under a set of buttons --

Bottomline : Set of buttons will be common and appearing - only the views must change upon Selections

Kindly help




Hi Sai,

I did not get ur requirement can you please provide the snapshot what your trying to achieve.

Not applicable

Hi avinash ,

I have two buttons and have two QVW configured for them , if I clik retail - retail relevant QVW should appear in the charts place & if I click non retail , other QVW should appear in the bottom

can we do that navigation.jpg


Hi Sai,

This is not possible, but you can try like this in both document follow the same format and in the action select open the document in the  same window this will provide the same effect.

And one more thing if  you want only few charts then no need to navigate to other document. Create charts for it and based on button selection conditionally hide it and re appear it !!!

Hope this helps you.



Master III
Master III


Follow steps below:

  • create a button. (Say Monthly Income Statement -2011)
  • go to actions --> select Open Qlikview Document ---> write the name of the qvw application which you want to open inside 'Document'
  • now when you click this button , this will take you to the application (Monthly Income Statement -2011).
  • same you can do with 'Monthly Income Statement -2011' in order to  redirect to original application.
