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Need sample windows application where qlikview document has been deployed into it

Hi All,

Can any one please attach any sample windows application where qlikview document is deployed inside that. We are currently going to do that in our project. Requesting you to attach the same if you have any.

11 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Rikab,

Are you referring to having a document with QlikView objects embedded in it using OCX?

The only type of file I have done this with is PowerPoint. There would be no point in uploading a file, as it refers back to the specific QlikView document that is embedded.

If this is what you are after then you simply need to install the QlikView OCX components (a separate .exe install to the QV Desktop one) and then drag objects from QlikView into Powerpoint. The biggest potential gotcha with this is that the objects are only data aware in Slideshow mode and not in 'Normal' mode.

Hope that is of help. Please post back if you need more clarification.


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Hi Steve,

What exactly I want is to put the qlikview document inside our windows application(Third party application) and the document should be opened inside the windows application.

If you deployed the qlikview document inside the windows application can you attach the same here.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Rikab,

I think the bigger thing here is the fact that you will need to sign up as an OEM partner to be able to do this. Suggest that you get in touch with QlikTech directly to find out what the deal is with this.

Being ActiveX it shouldn't be a problem from a technical standpoint to get individual components into the application, but you would have to redo the layout from how it is in the document.

Good luck with this,

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Steve Dark wrote:
I think the bigger thing here is the fact that you will need to sign up as an OEM partner to be able to do this. Suggest that you get in touch with QlikTech directly to find out what the deal is with this.
Being ActiveX it shouldn't be a problem from a technical standpoint to get individual components into the application, but you would have to redo the layout from how it is in the document. <div></div>

Yes! We are one of the partner.

I have already deployed the QV document inside the desktop application. It is opening properly in my sample application which is in VB. I don't how to deploy it to the end user who don't have qlikview developer license in their machine. Also don't have any idea how to embed the license in end user system who don't have licensed version of qlikview developer installed in their machine. So like that there are so many other doubts I have.

Below is the screen shot of my sample desktop application which was in VB and the document has deployed inside to it.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Rikab,

In that case I would definitely try to get hold of your partner manager to discuss this issue. When embedding into Powerpoint etc. I believe you need to have QV Desktop on the machine that you are doing the embedding on. However, I can see that would kind of defeat the object of what you are doing.

Good luck,

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You mentioned that you have already created a solution where you have embedded a Qlikview document inside a desktop application.

I was wondering that if you´ve done that using C++, where did you find the .tlb files for that? It seems that I´m missing those and can´t find them anywhere. I´m talking about the QvForQVX.tlb and QlikOCX.tlb files which are presented in the OCX reference documentation.



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Petteri Heinonen wrote:
You mentioned that you have already created a solution where you have embedded a Qlikview document inside a desktop application.
I was wondering that if you´ve done that using C++, where did you find the .tlb files for that? It seems that I´m missing those and can´t find them anywhere. I´m talking about the QvForQVX.tlb and QlikOCX.tlb files which are presented in the OCX reference documentation.


If the post is for me then my answer is I have not yet tried with C++ application. I have tried only with VB and Power Builder Application. Any time if I try in the future I will surely let you know.

Not applicable

Hi Rikab,

Yep, the post was for you, but I was a bit hasty when posting here. So I already have the problem solved and am now heading to the following steps.

Just out of curiosity, how has your integration project gone so far and what have been the major issues? Are you already done with the integration or still working on it?

