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Number rows in a table

Hi all,

I've been looking but cannot find it.

I have a table with a number of rows. Now I want to add a column in wich, from top to bottum, the ruwn are numbered (1 to ...). This is usefull when making for example a table to rank customers (based on turnover for example). Where is this option hidden?

(I did this before with an expression COUNT DISTINCT and then accumulation of this value ( a customer is unique), but with more than 1 dimension, this doesn't work).

Thx in advance,


6 Replies
Not applicable

Above may work (where Counter is the name of this expression):

If(Above(TOTAL Counter), Above(TOTAL Counter) + 1, 1)

Not applicable

it's easy with a pivot; add sum(1) as an expression and set full accumulation.

Champion III
Champion III

Even easier: 1 as the expression, full accumulation.

Edit: Never mind, somehow I glazed over the part where you had multiple dimensions. The default accumulation is only in the context of the current segment. So I'd do this, which is sort of a simplified version of NMiller's expression:

rangesum(1,above(total Counter))

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

How about:



Not applicable

This works, but then I cannot chose on wich column I sort my table. I need it sorted on an other value (descending)

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Organi wrote:Now I want to add a column in wich, from top to bottum, the ruwn are numbered (1 to ...)

Organi wrote:
This works, but then I cannot chose on wich column I sort my table. I need it sorted on an other value (descending)<div></div>

I'm confused as to exactly what you are trying to accomplish. Can you post an example?

If you want to rank by other than the sorting column, then try
=rank(TOTAL expression)

but I suspect this is not what you are asking for.
