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Hi all,
I am using standard qlik script for Rest API token generation but while loading data I am facing an issue that peek variable not catching any value from a table.
LIB CONNECT TO 'next token';
Let sessionId='';
Set nextTokenParamName='';
FROM "loc" FK "__FK_loc" ArrayValueAlias "@Value")
FROM "Items" PK "__KEY_Items" FK "__FK_Items")
FROM JSON (wrap on) "root" PK "__KEY_root"
QUERY "$(nextTokenParamName)" "$(sessionId)"
Set nextTokenParamName = 'Token';
let sessionId = peek('Token',-1,'RestConnectorMasterTable');
Trace 'The sessionId is: ' $(sessionId);
loop until $(sessionId) =''
so as per this code sessionid should catch the latest token value and pass it to further loop until the value becomes null.
but my peek function is not working with this SQL Select table.
please guide me as it is a very critical job failure.
I'm stuck on the exact same thing at the moment, did you ever solve this?
I doubt that there is an issue with peek() else that the loop and/or the sql didn't work like expected and therefore nothing respectively the right content for the peek() exists. Therefore split the logic in parts without a loop and with fixed values instead of the variables and adding then the more complexity step by step.