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Contributor II
Contributor II

Pivot table- Qlikview

Hello I created Pivot table in Qlikview according to my requirements. I have a question, can we hide the each row data like I have one calculated dimension and three measures. I put partial sum at the top. So,if I expand the + sign I can able to see the total(partial sum) but I don't want to see the numbers for each row can anybody know how can we hide each row numbers? I am attaching the simple example please help me out. When you see the example I posted, I numbers that are available for each row like 4,2,6,1,1 should not display only the total should display when we expand is that possible ??
3 Replies
Creator III
Creator III


A simple way would be:

Use font color.


And there you write something like:

=IF(WILDMATCH(yourDimension,'*Total*'), yourExpressionColumn, yourExpressionColumn & RGB(255,255,255)) 

Example: You want to calculate the total people in your country by city, your IF would be like:

=IF(WILDMATCH(CityColumn,'*Total*'),SUM(people),SUM(people) & RGB(255,255,255)) 

If your dimension is like 'Total' the value of your expression will be displayed, else the value will be displayed but in white so it looks like nothing is there.




Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

>>If your dimension is like 'Total' the value of your expression will be displayed, else the value will be displayed but in white so it looks like nothing is there.

You will still be able to export the data to Excel to see the values. So the only reason for doing it this way is for the user experience, and not for security. 

Rather than matching to *total*, you could use dimensionality() for a more rigorous approach

Logic will get you from a to b. Imagination will take you everywhere. - A Einstein
Creator III
Creator III

You'r totally rigth @jonathandienst !
It is just a simple solution in order to provide a good user experience.
Nevertheless it should work as expected.