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Goodmorning everyone,
I have the following current situation (see image) where the initial balance "(1) Saldo iniziale" is calculated from the following formula that calculates the balance preceding the date of the calendar object (4):
(RangeSum(Above(TOTAL SUM({<[Master Calendar Date Calc]={"<$(=$(vInizioPC))"}, Anno=,Mese=,Giorno=>}[# Importo Fattura Iva]),0,RowNo(TOTAL)))
RangeSum(Above(TOTAL SUM({<[Master Calendar Date Calc]={"<$(=$(vInizioPC))"}, Anno=,Mese=,Giorno=>}[# Importo Pagato Scadenze Pagamenti]),0,RowNo(TOTAL))))
while the current balance that takes into account the date range selected by the calendar object is calculated (4😞
(RangeSum(Above(TOTAL SUM({<[Master Calendar Date Calc]={">=$(=$(vInizioPC))<=$(=$(vFinePC))"}, Anno=,Mese=,Giorno=>}[# Importo Fattura Iva]),0,RowNo(TOTAL)))
RangeSum(Above(TOTAL SUM({<[Master Calendar Date Calc]={">=$(=$(vInizioPC))<=$(=$(vFinePC))"}, Anno=,Mese=,Giorno=>}[# Importo Pagato Scadenze Pagamenti]),0,RowNo(TOTAL))))
I made a pivot table (3) with 5 dimensions and 3 expressions; the expressions are:
SUM({<[Master Calendar Date Calc]={">=$(=$(vInizioPC))<=$(=$(vFinePC))"}, Anno=,Mese=,Giorno=>}[# Importo Fattura Iva])
2) "AVERE"
SUM({<[Master Calendar Date Calc]={">=$(=$(vInizioPC))<=$(=$(vFinePC))"}, Anno=,Mese=,Giorno=>}[# Importo Pagato Scadenze Pagamenti])
3) "SALDO"
(RangeSum(Above(TOTAL SUM({<[Master Calendar Date Calc]={">=$(=$(vInizioPC))<=$(=$(vFinePC))"}, Anno=,Mese=,Giorno=>}[# Importo Fattura Iva]),0,RowNo(TOTAL)))
RangeSum(Above(TOTAL SUM({<[Master Calendar Date Calc]={">=$(=$(vInizioPC))<=$(=$(vFinePC))"}, Anno=,Mese=,Giorno=>}[# Importo Pagato Scadenze Pagamenti]),0,RowNo(TOTAL))))
How can I start the cumulative sum of the "SALDO" by adding to each line of the pivot table the initial balance "Saldo Iniziale"?
First thing I would say is to attach the sample to this new post and also please provide the expected output based on the selections you have made. I think you provide us expected output, but we don't really know what selections you have made to get to that output. Please mention the selections made as well so that we don't have to do trial and error to see how you are getting to the numbers.
Hi Sunny,
my tables with the relations are shown in the figure:
the table "Fatture_Passive" is created by the concatenation of two loaded qvd files
LOAD Distinct
[Fatture Passive Admin.URL] as [% Id Fatture Passive],
[Fatture Passive Admin.NumeroFattura] as [Numero Fattura Passiva],
Num(Floor(Date#([Fatture Passive Admin.DataFattura],'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss'))) as [Master Calendar Date Calc],
Date(Date#([Fatture Passive Admin.DataFattura],'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss'),'dd/MM/yyyy') as [Data Fattura],
Date(Date#([Fatture Passive Admin.DataFattura],'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss'),'dd/MM/yyyy') as [Data Reg],
[Fatture Passive Admin.Fornitore.NAME] as [Nome Fornitore Fatture Passive],
[Fatture Passive Admin.Fornitore.URL] as [% Id Fornitore],
[Fatture Passive Admin.Categoria.NAME] as [Nome Categorie Fatture Passive],
[Fatture Passive Admin.Categoria.URL] as [% Id Categorie],
Num#([Fatture Passive Admin.TotaleImporto]) as [# Totale importo],
Num#([Fatture Passive Admin.Squadre.Importo]) as [# Imponibile Squadra],
[Fatture Passive Admin.Squadre.Squadra.NAME] as [Nome Squadra Fattura Passiva],
[Fatture Passive Admin.Squadre.Squadra.URL] as [% Id Squadra/Subappaltatori]
LOAD Distinct
ElencoReportScadenzeA.URL as [% Id Scadenze Pagamenti],
Num#(ElencoReportScadenzeA.Importo) as [# Importo Scadenze Pagamenti],
Num(Floor(Date#([ElencoReportScadenzeA.DataScadenza],'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss'))) as [% Master Calendar Date Num],
ElencoReportScadenzeA.Mezzo as [Mezzo pagamento Scadenze Pagamenti],
ElencoReportScadenzeA.Descrizione as [Descrizione Scadenze Pagamenti],
Num(Floor(Date#([ElencoReportScadenzeA.DataPagamento],'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss'))) as [Master Calendar Date Calc],
Date(Date#([ElencoReportScadenzeA.DataPagamento],'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss'),'dd/MM/yyyy') as [Data Reg],
' ' as [Data Fattura],
Num#(ElencoReportScadenzeA.ImportoPagato) as [# Importo Pagato Scadenze Pagamenti],
ElencoReportScadenzeA.NumeroFattura as [Numero Fattura Passiva],
ElencoReportScadenzeA.Fattura.URL as [% Id Fatture Passive],
ElencoReportScadenzeA.Fornitore.NAME as [Nome Fornitore Fatture Passive],
ElencoReportScadenzeA.Fornitore.URL as [% Id Fornitore]
The calendar is created by the following script:
sub MasterCalendar
TRACE 'Loading master calendar';
MIN([% Master Calendar Date Num]) as MinDate,
MAX([% Master Calendar Date Num]) as MaxDate
resident Fatture_Passive;
LET vDateMin = peek('MinDate',0,'tmp_minmaxdate');
LET vDateMax = peek('MaxDate',0,'tmp_minmaxdate');
LET vDateToday = Num(Today());
DROP TABLE tmp_minmaxdate;
$(vDateMin) + RowNo() - 1 AS DateNumber,
$(vDateMin) + RowNo() - 1 AS TempDate
WHILE $(vDateMin) +IterNo()-1 <= $(vDateMax);
Num(TempDate) as [% Master Calendar Date Num],
Date(TempDate) as [Data Esatta],
Month(TempDate) as Mese,
MonthName(TempDate) as AnnoMese,
Year(TempDate) as Anno,
Day(TempDate) as Giorno,
Week(TempDate) AS Settimana,
WeekDay(TempDate) AS GiornoSettimana,
Year(TempDate) * 1000 + Week(TempDate) as AnnoSettimana
RESIDENT TempCalendar ORDER BY DateNumber ASC;
drop Table TempCalendar;
end sub
and finally the "Fornitori" table is created like this:
LOAD Distinct
Fornitori.URL as [% Id Fornitore],
Fornitori.NAME as [Nome Fornitore],
Fornitori.RagioneSociale as [Ragione sociale Fornitore],
Date(Date#([Fornitori.Data],'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss'),'dd/MM/yyyy') as [Data Fornitore],
Fornitori.PIva as [PIVA Fornitore]
I made only two selections:
1) From the List Box Object "Fornitori" I have selected a supplier
2)From the two Calendar Object "Da: and A:" I have selected the dates of interest
Did you forget to attach the qvw? 🙂
The qvd files that are contained in a "qvd" folder.
Attached the main file.
Does this look right?
Quindi per ottenere il tavolo in questo modo ora:
They are the same, are they not?
Yes, but I want to hide the total of the "DARE" and "AVERE" columns and display only the "SALDO" column by changing the "Totale" label with "Saldo Iniziale"