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Hi all,
I have a trouble with the WeekToDate expression.
In fact, the values returned when I use the WTD are the same returned with the MTD..
As if the WeekStart function acts like the MonthStart function and returns the debut of each month.
Here are the expressions I used for each case:
Sum({<Year=, Month=, Quarter=, [Date Ventes]= , DateNum={">=$(=Num(WeekStart(Max(DateNum))))<=$(=Max(DateNum))"}>} [Chiffre d'affaires])
WTD-1 :
Sum({<Year=, Month=, Quarter=, [Date Ventes]= , DateNum={">=$(=Num(WeekStart(Max(DateNum),-52)))<=$(=Num(addyears(max([Date Ventes]),-1)))"}>} [Chiffre d'affaires])
Sum({<Year=, Month=, Quarter=, [Date Ventes]= , DateNum={">=$(=Num(MonthStart(Max(DateNum))))<=$(=Max(DateNum))"}>} [Chiffre d'affaires])
MTD-1 :
Sum({<Year=, Month=, Quarter=, [Date Ventes]= , DateNum={">=$(=Num(MonthStart(Max(DateNum),-12)))<=$(=Num(addyears(max([Date Ventes]),-1)))"}>} [Chiffre d'affaires])
I have yet another question: what's the purpose of "Year=, Month=, Quarter=, [Date Ventes]=" ? I know that if I delete them and then filter by dte, I won't have the same result. But why?
Thank you !
1st and 2nd august 2015 were Sat / Sun.
These two dates are the difference between WTD and MTD
Do you have values to aggregate for weekends?