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QlikView Assign Specific Link To Document

Hi all,

Can Qlikview assign a specific link to a particular document?

For example when I enter https://<server name>/qlikview/mainmenu.htm in URL then the browser will automatically go to MainMenu.qvw.

Thank you.

Best Regards.

3 Replies
Master II
Master II


u mean to say navigate qlikview document A to document B? if so you can try using external action method to call other qvw app.


Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

If you want to do that, then there has to exist a MainMenu.htm document in the specified location.

I guess that you could get this to work if you use IIS or Apache as a Web Server. But AFAIK the standard QVWS web server doesn't support rewriting URLs (like mod_rewrite in Apache or URL Rewrite in IIS)




Using a combination of both methods above, you can use a table in your main application in which you specify the document names of the QVW each user can see and the usernames as returned by the function OSUser(). When this user opens the application, he can select himself and see his applications.

Using the <url> in a straight table would help in creating the direct links to the apps.

In addition, you could use section access for further restriction in the documents the user can see.