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Do More with Qlik - Qlik Cloud Analytics Recap and Getting Started, June 19: REGISTER
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Script error

Can anyone point me in the right direction of correcting this script - Everything seems to be ok but its failing to load - prob something simple

I'm cert its something to do with the file path actually - recall being told if the files on your desktop that ya uploading it causes the script to full over

Any help be gd



[Aircraft Types]:
LOAD AC_TYPEID as [%Aircraft Type ID],

AC_GROUP as [%Aircraft Group Type],

SSD_NAME as [Aircraft Name],

MANUFACTURER as [Aircraft Manufacturer],

LONG_NAME as [Aircraft Name Full],

SHORT_NAME as [Aircraft Name Abbreviated],

BEGIN_DATE as [Aircraft Begin Date],

END_DATE as [Aircraft End Date]

[..\..\..\..\..\paul\Desktop\Qlikview download\Chapters 1 - 11\QlikView
Development\Airline Operations\Data Files\CSVs\Aircraft_Base_File.csv]

txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, delimiter is ';', msq);

[Aircraft Groups]:
LOAD [Aircraft Group ID] as [%Aircraft Group Type],

[Aircraft Engine Type],

[Aircraft Number Of


[..\..\..\..\..\paul\Desktop\Qlikview download\Chapters 1 - 11\QlikView
Development\Airline Operations\Data Files\CSVs\Aircraft_Group.csv]

txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, delimiter is ';', msq);

32 Replies
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Hi Steve

Started a new App again to see how things go. Actually things sink in much more when you come unstuck so its not such a bad thing. Don't be surprised when I hit chapter 7 again that I haven't got the odd question for you.

Many thanks for all your help & input! Always much appreciated



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Hi Steve

Almost finished chap 6 all my gauges wrk well and are showing the correct values -  I'm on the pie chart that all wrks well but now I'm on page 185 where you add a hack to display the labels - For some reason it displays dashes with the corresponding percentages as opposed to the text & percentages - At first I thought it was the chart wasn't big enough to display the text and it needed resizing but no drew blank that one - I've checked and checked the steps & formula and the show data values is checked so cannot see reason for it not displaying - Any ideas ?

Take look attached this is a before I add the data labels and then after screen shots



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Hi Steve,

Just worked this one out myself on the data label issue - Looks like when you enter the formula you cannot use
the drop down's on Count & Distinct and the carrier name table - Appears got to enter this manually and have spaces right through the formula - All a learning curve I guess  



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Paul - I tend not to use the wizards at all for entering expressions.  As a rule it is much quicker just to type the expressions.

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Hi Steve - Totally agree with you that its quicker but what I have found is if you are inconsistent with your spaces & way you lay your expressions out then when it comes to replacing formulas with variables you run in to probs - learnt this the hard way   Found another typo error on the ePerformedScheduled that's when adding it to the Variable overview need watch the case on this when adding it as its a capital  V and small s - Gauge just kept disappearing had this before actually - This is the reason why Page 189 - All gd stuff though should be a expert by time I'm finished which is the idea Tell me to do the Designer & Developer exam is there practice papers ?



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Paul - not too sure on the exams now.  I did mine back at version 8.5!  Need to look into it again though.


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Hi Steve

Well question up to page 261 now - Seems to be prob around saving the text file as Config.qvs.
says the file already exists and do you want to replace it - saving this to my Apps folder where my App sits as it instructs you to do. Have you come across this ?  Tried removing the full stop at end thinking it was maybe the end sentence but no its not having it - Any ideas ?



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Hmm looks like these text files have already been created for TraceRowCount.qvs & Config.qvs  by the author ? Yet they are asking you to do this ?

Can you shed any light on this ?



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Paul,

This is because you have saved back in the same folder as the example files - I suspect.  The book assumes you are starting in your own folder.  Just rename the original files or save yours with a slightly different name.



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Hi Steve

Thanks for putting me right on that!

Tell me is there a book out there that you know of on creating finance dashboards so YTD / Varience / Plan that kind of thing with some half decent examples in ?

