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Section access + domain change + many files = problem

Hello All,

We have QVS v10 and around 350 QVW documents available on Access Point + 330 old files (previous years data archives etc)

Let's say that we are now under XXXX domain, so our section access (mostly placed in hidden script) looks like this:


section access;

load * inline





section application;

star is *;

load * inline




Within in 2 days we are starting to work under a new domain, YYYY, so we should now change all XXXX\user1 for YYYY\yusr1 (user names also will change). The new server under new domain name is already installed, files copied, but the new server with new domain\user_name is impossible to open/reload old files...

My questions to you:

- is it possible to somehow access to a file if we will not change the setup on time? Old domain will be soon switched off and probably QV will not be able to open the file, even if I will put correct, old login and password (QV will not be able to check the password...)

- even if there will be a miracle and we will be able to change the script in all the files, we have many archives that cannot be reloaded any more (there is no data in the oryginal source system), so how to apply new section access priviliges to those files?

- maybe it is possible to archive many QVW files at once by another QVW file into different QVD files? Running one QVW that will search files and "convert" them for pure data in separate QVD that we could later use?

Any help/idea from you would be good...


section access;
load * inline
section application;
star is *;
load * inline


1 Reply
Not applicable


To make available Qlikview applications in both the domains OLDDOMAIN as well as NEWDOMAIN, I have done the followings settings and it worked for me.

   - Added the NEWDOMAIN into local Users group of Qlikview Server Machine

   - Mapped LDAP of NEWDOMAIN into Qlikview Server Settings
                   System-> Setup -> Directory Service Connectors-> Active Directory

    - Removed NTDOMAINSID authentication from the QV applications, which has security implemented

I hope this will be helpful to you.
