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I have some problems with my set analysis. I have a date dimension called Fecha_Valor (DD/MM/YYYY) and a measure called Liquidez.
If i select the date 05/01/2018, i want the liquidez value for 04/01/2018. Im triying with this
sum({$ < Fecha_Valor={'$(=Only(Fecha_Valor)-1)'} > } Liquidez) but it doesn´t work.
If I try sum({$ < Fecha_Valor={'$(=Only(Fecha_Valor))'} > } Liquidez), i can see the value for the date filter.
Could you help me please?
Try this
Sum({$<Fecha_Valor = {"$(=Date(Only(Fecha_Valor)-1))"}>} Liquidez)
Try this
Sum({$<Fecha_Valor = {"$(=Date(Only(Fecha_Valor)-1))"}>} Liquidez)
define a variable first, in your variable editor:
v_GetLastDay = if(getselectedcount(Fecha_Valor)=0, today()-1, GetFieldSelections(Fecha_Valor)-1)
I have added the condition to select automatically yesterday when no date is selected in fetch_valor but I would have prefered doing that in the master calendar date field because Fecha_Valor might be not continuous.
then your expression should be:
sum($<Fecha_Valor{"=$(v_GetLastDay)"} = Liquidez)
this is the solution... What is the diference between " and ' in Set Analysis?
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